Fixed Limit (FL) Stakes up to and including $1 / $2
Stakes/Limit Rake per Pot Max Rake
$0.05/$0.10 $0.01 for each $0.20 in pot $0.10
$0.10/$0.25 $0.01 for each $0.20 in pot $0.20
$0.25/$0.50 $0.01 for each $0.20 in pot $0.40
$0.50/$1.00 $0.01 for each $0.20 in pot $0.50
$1.00/$2.00 $0.01 for each $0.20 in pot $1.00


Stakes higher than $1 / $2, up to and including $30 / $60
Number of Players $0.20 pot Max Rake
2-3 $0.01 $1.00
4-5 $0.01 $2.00
6+ $0.01 $3.00


Pot Limit (PL) and No Limit (NL) Stakes up to and including $0.10/$0.25
Number of Players Rake per Pot Max Rake
2 $0.01 for each $0.20 in the pot $0.50
3-4 $0.01 for each $0.20 in the pot $1.00
5+ $0.01 for each $0.20 in the pot $2.00


Stakes higher than $0.10/$0.25, up to and including $10 / $20
Number of Players Rake per Pot Max Rake
2 $0.01 for each $0.20 in Pot $1.00
3 $0.01 for each $0.20 in Pot $2.00
4-5 $0.01 for each $0.20 in Pot $3.00
6 $0.01 for each $0.20 in Pot $4.00